Services Offered
Martin H. Williams, Ph.D., earned his doctorate in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has been in clinical and forensic practice for several decades. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, is the author of peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, and has testified in numerous state, federal and administrative jurisdictions regarding civil, criminal, family and professional matters. Dr. Williams is licensed as a psychologist in California and Virginia and has qualified for temporary privileges in other states. (See Dr. Williams’ curriculum vita and prior sworn testimony.)
Dr. Williams offers psychological expertise and testimony on the following matters:
- Competency to stand trial/insanity defense
- Fitness to Practice Evaluations for California licensing boards, including Medical, Psychology, Behavioral Sciences, Pharmacy, Chiropractic, Dental, Registered Nursing, Vocational Nursing.
- Psychotherapy malpractice, ethics, boundaries, risk management, standard of care and negligence
- Evaluations of emotional damage deriving from personal injury, sexual or racial harassment and sexual abuse (including in psychotherapy) using objective psychological assessment devices (MMPI-3, MCMI-IV)
- Evaluation of risk of criminal recidivism
- Sexually Violent Predator Evaluations (California Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 6600)
- Mentally Disordered Offender Evaluations (California Penal Code 2960)
- Immigration/deportation evaluations (Approved evaluator, San Francisco Region, Immigration and Customs Enforcement-ICE, Enforcement and Removal Operations-ERO)
- Divorce evaluations/fitness of adult caregivers
- Dependency Court/fitness to parent
- Employment/fitness for duty
- Church related abuse
- Malingering or concealing psychological problems
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Borderline personality disorder
- Substance abuse
- Testamentary capacity
- Pre-trial and sentencing evaluations
- Security Clearance Appeals, including the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Departments of Defense and Energy.
Please contact Dr. Williams to discuss your case.