Martin H. Williams, Ph.D.

Fellow of the American Psychological Associationi
Williams Forensic Mental Health Services
Civil and Criminal Forensic Psychology
California Psychologist PSY 4642
 Virginia Psychologist 810005269

2033 Gateway Place; Suite 500
San Jose, CA 95110

Offices in: San Jose, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Glendale, Newport Beach, San Diego
Telephone: 888-886-6589

Telephone:  888-886-6589
 Fax: 408-889-8171


June 1975 Ph.D.  University of California, Berkeley  (Psychology).
June 1968 B.A. (Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) University of California, Los Angeles (Psychology).


Employment, Committees, Internships, and Fellowships


Private Practice; Forensic and Clinical Psychology; San Jose, San Francisco, Newport Beach and Los Angeles, California. (Civil and criminal evaluations and testimony; psychological assessment of damages, competency, risk; standard of care.)




 Treatment provider, State Bar of California, Lawyer Assistance Program




Committee Member, State Bar of California, Lawyer Assistance Program



Member, Forensic Evaluation Panel, Superior Court of California. (Evaluation of competency to stand trial, NGI, sentence mitigation)



2006-   Member, Forensic Evaluation Panel, Superior Court of California. (Evaluation of competency to stand trial, NGI, sentence mitigation, SVP & MDO, restoration of sanity)
2011 - Approved Psychological Competency Evaluator, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Enforcement and Removal Operations, San Francisco Region

Psychologist, Forensic Assessment Division, Board of Parole Hearings, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. (Evaluation of violence risk in life inmates eligible for parole.)



2016-  Psychological consultant, City of Campbell Police Department, Hostage Negotiation Team

2006 - 2007   

Member at Large, Board of Directors, Psychologists in Independent Practice, A Division of the American Psychological Association.



2005 - 2007 

Member, Task Force on Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology, Division 42 of the American Psychological Association.



2004 - 2006

Chair, Interdivisional Task Force on Licensing Board Problems and Issues, Divisions 42 and 31 of the American Psychological Association.



2006 - 2007

Manager, Intensive Outpatient Program, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, California.  (Oversee program and treat individuals with severe mental illness, including substance abuse and dual diagnosis conditions.)



1980 - 2007

Clinical Psychologist; Department of Psychiatry; Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, California. (Outpatient treatment for a wide range of psychiatric conditions, including anxiety, depressive and psychotic disorders, personality disorders, substance abuse disorders.)



1995 - 2007

Division Chief, Adult Psychiatry, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, California.



2003 - 2007

Coordinator, Group Psychotherapy Program, Department of Psychiatry, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, California.



1998 - 2004

Member (ex-officio), Board of Directors, Psychologists in Independent Practice, A Division of the American Psychological Association.



2001 - 2004

Editor, Independent Practitioner, Publication of Psychologists in Independent Practice, A Division of the American Psychological Association.





1998 - 2001

Associate Editor, Independent Practitioner, Publication of Psychologists in Independent Practice, A Division of the American Psychological Association.



2001 - 2002

Member, Board of Directors, Division of Media Psychology (Division 46), American Psychological Association.



2001 - 2002

Billing Monitor for California Board of Psychology



1993 - 1998

Member, Northern California Kaiser Psychiatry Best Practices Committee, Research and Evaluation, Outcomes Management, and Depression Protocol Subcommittees.



1995 - 1996

Member, Northern California Kaiser Permanente Regional Committee on Information Privacy, Confidentiality and Security.



1983 - 1987 and 1988 to 1995

Peer Review Chair; Department of Psychiatry; Kaiser Permanente Medical Center; Santa Clara, California.



1973 to 1980           

Psychological Assistant and Clinical  Psychologist; Private Practice; Berkeley, California.



1972 to 1973           

Predoctoral Psychology Intern; Veterans Hospital; San Francisco, California.



1971 to 1972  

U.S. Public Health Service Predoctoral Trainee; Psychology Clinic; University of California; Berkeley, California.



1970 to 1971           

Predoctoral Psychology Intern; Veterans Hospital; Palo Alto, California and Psychology Clinic;  University of California; Berkeley, California.



1968 to 1970           

National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow; Psychology Department; University of California; Berkeley, California.

License and Certification

Approved Non-Resident Consultant, State of Nevada Board of Psychology, 2003
Qualification in Professional Psychology, Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards, 1998 (Certificate number 181)
Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate, Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards, 2010
Licensed Psychologist in California, 1976 (License number PSY 4642)
Designated Expert Witness, California Board of Registered Nursing, 2006
Listed National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, 1977
Certified Sex Therapist by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, 1975.

 Publications and Professional Presentations

2013 “Florida Adopts the Daubert Standard for Expert Testimony,” article in National Psychologist, Fall.
2012 Review: Coping with Psychiatric and Psychological Testimony, Sixth Edition. David Faust (based on the original work by Dr. Jay Ziskin), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011 (1119 pages). National Psychologist, Fall.
2012 “Forensic Skills Workshop: The Role of the Psychologist in Civil and Criminal Litigation,” Invited symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, April 20.
2012 “The Pros and Cons of the New Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology,” Invited presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, April 20.
2011 “Forensic Skills Workshop: The Role of the Psychologist in Civil and Criminal Litigation,” Invited symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, California, April 1.

“Being Right and Still Losing,” article in National Psychologist, 19 (1).


“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Experience of Trauma (Criterion A) is Not Subjective.” Original article published on the HG Experts website,

2009 “Sometimes You Can Be Too Helpful,” National Psychologist, 18 (6) November/December, p. 9.
2009 “Forensic Skills Workshop,” American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 27 (4), 5-48.  (with co-authors).
2009 “Riveting Book Puts Justice On Trial,” Invited book review, National Psychologist, 18 (3) May/June 2009, p. 24

“Ethics and Law Update,” Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, California, March 27.


“Forensic Skills Workshop: The Role of the Psychologist in Civil and Criminal Litigation”, Invited symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, California, March 27.

2009 “How Self-Disclosure Got a Bad Name,” Invited comment on O. Zur’s, “Psychotherapist Self-Disclosure and Transparency in the Internet Age,” Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40 (1), 22-30.
2008 “A Malpractice Ghost Story,” Independent Practitioner, Fall 28 (4), 192-193.
2008 “Ethics and Law Update,” invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, April 10-13.
2008 “Forensic Skills Workshop: The Role of the Psychologist in Civil and Criminal Litigation”, Invited symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, April 10-13.
2008 Mock trial, defense expert, Invited participant at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, April 10-13.
2008 “Therapist-Patient Sex Twenty Years Later: A View From the Courtroom,” National Psychologist, March 2008.
2008 “Surviving a Licensing Complaint: What to Do, What Not to Do,” (Book written with four co-authors), Zeig, Tucker and Theisen Publishers.

“Risk Management: How Your Malpractice Insurer Created Testimony Against You,” Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California, August 19. 

2007 “Ethics and the Law:  Malpractice and Risk Management in Civil Litigation.” Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 3-6.
2007 “Forensic Skills Workshop: The Role Of The Psychologist in Civil and Criminal litigation,” Invited Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 3-6.
2006 “Killing as a Psychological Service,” National Psychologist, Nov/Dec., 15 (6).
2006 “Ethics and the Law: Update and Overview of the 2002 Ethics Code of the American Psychological Association,” Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, March 16-19.

“Forensic Skills Workshop: The Role Of The Psychologist in Civil and Criminal litigation,” Invited Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, March 16-19.

2006 “Testimony Gone Wild: The Disturbing And Surprising Trend Of Idiosyncratic Standard Of Care Testimony,” Invited Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, March 16-19.
2005 “The Nuances of Ethics Compliance:  The Distinctions Between The Ethics Code, State Regulations, Standard Of Care, And Risk Management.”  Invited state mandated ethics course presented to the Lehigh Valley Psychological Association, Oct. 7.
2005 “Surviving the Minefield—A Practitioner’s Guide to Licensing Boards,” Symposium at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 18-21.

“When Your Family Matters: Consult a Psychologist,” Independent Practitioner, Spring, 25 (2), pp. 63-64.


“Ethics, Law, Malpractice and the Standard of Care,” All day workshop for  the Annual Meeting of the Nevada Psychological Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 29. (co-presenter).

2005 “Ethics and the Law: Update and Overview of the 2002 Ethics Code of the American Psychological Association,” Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, Newport Beach, California, April 14-17.
2005 “Interactive Skills Workshop: Civil and Criminal,” Invited Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, Newport Beach, California, April 14-17.
2004 “Honoring the Roots of Psychotherapy in Making Ethical Decisions in Contemporary Time,” Invited workshop at 2004 Institute and Conference of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Santa Fe, November 13.
2004 “Dual Perspectives on Dual Relationships: Critical Incidents in Nonsexual Boundaries,” Invited Symposium at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, July 27-August 1
2004 “Risk Management: Curse or Blessing,” Symposium at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, July 27-August 1.
2004 “Ethics and the Law” lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, April 1-4.
2004 “Forensic Skills: Interactive Workshop” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, California, April 1-4.
2003 Forensic Skills Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, Rancho Mirage, California, April 10-13.
2002 “Multiple Relationships: A Malpractice Plaintiff’s Litigation Strategy,” in Dual Relationships and Psychotherapy by Lazarus, A.A. and Zur, O. (Eds.), New York: Springer, pp. 224-238
2002 Workshop on Ethics—6-hour presentation on the APA Ethics Code to the Annual Meeting of the Nevada Psychological Association, Lake Tahoe, NV, May 5. (co-presenter).
2001 “Ethics Code, Courts and Axis II Pathology—A Menacing Synergy,” Symposium at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August 24-28.
2001 “The Question of Psychologists’ Maltreatment by State Licensing Boards: Overcoming Denial and Seeking Remedies,” Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 32, 341-344.
2001 “Litigation as a Forum for Acting-Out: Malpractice, Disability, Sexual Harassment and Other Civil Claims Arising from Plaintiffs’ Psychopathology,” Symposium at Annual Meeting of American College of Forensic Psychology, Toronto, Ontario, April 26-29. (Chair)
2000 “Violence in the media: a symposium.” (contributor) American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 21, 23-25.

“Protecting Psychologists: Insuring Fair Treatment of SPPA Members by Licensing Boards,” Symposium on Investigations, Judgments and Sanctions:  Flaws Which Can Harm Good Psychologists, at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, August 4-8.

2000  “Ethics Code at the Millennium: A Poor Choice of Words,” Symposium on Adverse Effects of the APA Ethics Code: Problems and Solutions, at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, August 4-8. (Chair)
2000 “Inherent Problems in the APA Ethics Code: Legal and Psychological  Perspectives,” Symposium at Annual Meeting of American College of Forensic Psychology, Newport Beach, California, April 6-9. (Chair)
2000 “Symbolic Thinking as a Unifying Force of Change” by William K. Marek,”  Book Review in American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 18 (3), 89-90.
2000 “APA Ethics Committee Considered Prohibiting Solo Practice,” Independent Practitioner,  Winter , 20 (1), 46-49.
2000 “Victimized by ‘Victims:’ A Taxonomy of Antecedents of False Complaints Against Psychotherapists,” Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31 (1), 75-81,

“State Boards and State Psychological Associations:  A New Advocacy Role,” Symposium at Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Aug. 19-24.

1999 “Psychotherapy Malpractice,” Chapter in “Lawyer’s Guide to Medical Proof,” Ellen Pall (Ed.) New York: Matthew Bender Publications
1999 Role of a Psychiatric Outcome Study in a Large Scale Quality Improvement Project, Evaluation and Program Planning, 22(2), 235-245. [with six co-authors]
1998 “Federal Court May Still Allow ‘Junk Statistics,’” American Psychological Association, Monitor, September. [with co-author]
1998 “Boundary Violations: The (Inappropriate) Lethal Weapon of Plaintiffs’ Attorneys,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Forensic Psychology, San Francisco, April 30.
1998 “Administrative Law and Your License,” Symposium at Annual Mid-Winter Convention Of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, February 7. (Chair)

“Boundary Violations:  Do Some Contended Standards of Care Fail to Encompass Commonplace Procedures of Humanistic, Behavioral and Eclectic Psychotherapies?” Psychotherapy, 34 (3) 239-249.

1997 “Is Psychology Afflicted with Politically Expedient Syndromes?” False Memory Syndrome Foundation Newsletter, (April).
1995-continuing Regular column in the Independent Practitioner, Official Publication of the Division of Independent Practice of the American Psychological Association.
1996  “Computer Assisted Patient Evaluation Systems: Advice From the Trenches,” (with E. Hunkeler and J. Westphal) Behavioral Healthcare Tomorrow, June, 73-75.
1995 “Total Risk Management,” Psychotherapy Bulletin, 30, 49-50.
1995 “Developing a system for automated monitoring of psychiatric outpatients: a first step to improve quality,” (with J. Westphal, and E. Hunkeler) HMO Practice,9 (4), 162-167.
1995 “An automated outcomes management system for psychiatry,” Poster session at Third Annual Northern California Kaiser Psychiatry Conference, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco.
1995 “How useful are clinical reports concerning the consequences of therapist-patient sexual involvement?” American Journal of Psychotherapy, 49 (2), 237-243.
1995 “Patient satisfaction therapy,” Independent Practitioner, 15 (1), 34-36.
1994 “Automated Assessment of Outcome and Prediction of Amenability to Treatment in a Psychiatry Clinic,”   Exhibit at Northern California Kaiser-Permanente “New Visions, New Ventures” Conference, Moscone Center, San Francisco, October 22.
1994 “Research and Evaluation in Psychiatry’s Future,” Chair of panel at Annual Conference of Kaiser Permanente Northern California Psychiatry Providers.  Claremont Hotel, Oakland, January 29.
1992 “MMPI-2 Automated Assessment of Psychiatric Patients for Cost-Effective Treatment Planning,”  Paper presented at Northern California Kaiser-Permanente “New Visions, New Ventures” Conference, Oakland Convention Center, December 5.
1992 “Building Quality into the System:  Evaluation in the Age of Accountability,”  Panel Member at meeting of Northern California Kaiser-Permanente Psychiatry Providers, Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, November 17 and 18.
1992 “Is Division 29 Becoming a Cult?”  Psychotherapy Bulletin, 27 (2), 5-6.
1992 “Exploitation and Inference:  Mapping the Damage From Therapist-Patient Sexual Involvement”  American Psychologist, 47 (3), 412-421.
1991 “One In Four of the Incest Perpetrators Was Not An Adult,” Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 22, 267.
1990 “Comment on Pope (1990),”  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 21, 420-421.
1985 “The Bait and Switch Tactic in Psychotherapy,” Psychotherapy, 22 (1), 110-113.
1982 “Fear of Flying: Systematic Desensitization versus a Systems Approach,” Journal of Psychology, 111 (2), 193-203.
1978 “Individual Sex Therapy,” in the Handbook of Sex Therapy, J. LoPiccolo and L. LoPiccolo (Eds.), New York: Plenum Press.
1977 “An Unnoted Inconsistency in Masters and Johnson's Use of Non-Demand Techniques,” Paper read at the annual meeting of the California State Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
1977 “Partner Factors in Premature Ejaculation,” Paper read at the annual meeting of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, San Francisco.
1975 “A Naturalistic Laboratory for Sex Research,” Paper read at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, New York.
1975 "Problems With Surrogates," Paper read at the annual meeting of the California State Psychological Association, Anaheim.
1975 “Behavioral Treatment of Fear of Flying: The Effects of Type of Treatment, Induced Expectation, and Patients' Personality,” Doctoral Dissertation, Psychology Department, University of California, Berkeley.
1971 “Piagetian Measures of Cognitive Development for Children Up To Age Two,” Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 1 (1),113-126. [With co-author]
1969 “Non-verbal Concomitants of Perceived and Intended Persuasiveness,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 13 (1), 37-58. [With co-author]


Professional Activities and Affiliations

Member, American College of Forensic Psychology

Member, Ethics Task Force, Division of Independent Practice of the American Psychological Association, 1999-2002

Fellow of the American Psychological Association and  the Divisions of Psychotherapy, Independent Practice, Member Division Psychology and Law.

Member, California Association of Hostage Negotiators

Member of  the California and Santa Clara County Psychological Associations.

Secretary, Northern California Chapter, Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (1978 to 1979).

Former Founding Member, American Associate of Sex Therapists, Educators and Counselors

Associate Member, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists


Fellow, American Psychological Association, 2008-Present.

Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, UCLA, 1968.

Highest Honors at Graduation, UCLA Department of Psychology, 1968.

Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1968-1969.


Election to Fellow status requires evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Fellow status requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state, or regional level. A high level of competence or steady and continuing contributions are not sufficient to warrant Fellow status. National impact must be demonstrated. (APA Website )

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